Dr. Kala Sengupta
36 years of experience
M.Phil- Medical & Social Psychology
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Dr. Kala Sengupta is a highly skilled doctor in Delhi.
- A07927 Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) 2006Services
- Adolescent Medicine
- Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Family Counseling
- Personality Assessment
- Psychoanalysis To Suicide
- Psychosexual Problems
- Marriage Marital Counselling
- Psychological Diagnosis Adult And Child
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cbt
- Psychologist
- M.Phil- Medical & Social Psychology - Central institute of psychiatry Ranchi
Psychologist in early intervention unitNational institute of visually handicapped1989 - 1991
Consultant clinical psychologistRaheja nursing home1987 - 1989
Conlsultant psychologistSavera hospital and Rehabilitation center2002 - 2006
Senior consultant in psychologyNational Institute of Psychiatry2006 - 2009
Head of psychology and Rehabilitation unitA Beautiful mind clinic2009 - 2019
Research assttNational Institute of Visually Handicap1982 - 1984
Child PsychologistPsychowellness Center2021 - 2021
- DGHS Scholarship 1985
- Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)
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