Dr. Kanwar Deep Singh Nanda
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Kanwar Deep
Dr. Kanwar Deep Singh Nanda is one of the most esteemed doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Kanwar Deep Specializations
- Dentist
Dr.Kanwar Deep Awards
- Gold Medal in Prosthodontics in B.D.S.
- Certificate of honor from SDC, Lucknow for best scientific paper award entitled “Premalignant lesions having the potentiality of turning malignant” in the conference held at Lucknow 2002
- Best performance award from Lions club of international and Institute of macro-biochemistry (International Organization) for presenting seminar on “Recent advancement studies in Oncological Science” in the conference held at Chennai 2007
- Certificate of merit from Indian association of forensic odontology for presenting scientific paper “Rapid Noninvasive Method to Detect Dried Saliva Stains from Human Skin using Fluorescent Spectroscopy” in the 5th National Conference held at Dr. M. G. R. University, Chennai in January 2008
- Scientific presentation in XIX National & First International Conference of IAOMP for presenting paper on “A RELIABLE TOOL IN DIAGNOSIS OF SALIVARY GLAND LESION: FNAC OR HISTOPATHOLOGY?” in December 2010
- Certificate of Scientific Presentation on “Increased expression of CK8 and CK18 in Leukoplakia, Oral submucous fibrosis and Oral squamous cell carcinoma- An immunohistochemistry study” in the XVIII National Conference of Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial pathologist. Held at Delhi, November 2009
- Scientific presentation in the 16th National Conference of Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist held at Khajuraho in December 2007
- Scientific presentation on “Dilemma in the Diagnosis of Osteosarcoma” in the 28th U.P state Dental Conference held at Aligarh Muslim University 2003
- Certificate of appreciation awarded by interstate dental congress and 44th Punjab state dental conference held at Amritsar for presenting scientific paper on “Etiopathogenesis of oral cancer” in December 2004
- Certificate of scientific participation from 29th U.P state dental conference for presenting a paper on “Role of Genes in Oral Cancer” held at Allahabad in November 2004
- Certificate of appreciation from 27th U.P state dental conference for presenting a paper on “The Current Status of Leukoplakia” held at Varanasi 2002
Dr.Kanwar Deep Education
- BDS - KGMC, Lucknow university
- MDS - Ragas Dental College, MGR University, Chennai
- Fellowship - WCOI (Japan)
Dr.Kanwar Deep Experience
Dr.Kanwar Deep Registration
- A-5975 Dental Council Of India 2005
- Indian Dental Association
- Indian association of oral & maxillofacial pathology
- WCOI: World congress of oral Implantology, Japan
- Tooth Extraction