Dr. Kapil Gupta Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Orthopedist And Traumatology Specialist
21 years of experience
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About Dr.Kapil
Dr. Kapil Gupta is a highly skilled doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Kapil Specializations
- Orthopedist And Traumatology Specialist
- Orthopedist
Dr.Kapil Awards
- DNB 2010
Dr.Kapil Education
- MBBS - Kasturba Medical College
- M.Ch - Orthopaedics - University of Seychelles
Dr.Kapil Experience
OrthopedicDivyaprasth hospital2006 - 2017
Dr.Kapil Registration
- 2944 Delhi Medical Council 2005
- Delhi Medical Council
- Joint Dislocation Treatment
- Spine Mobilization
- Ligament And Tendon Repair
- Foot Drop
- Hip Arthroplasty
- Kyphoplasty
- Neck And Spine Biopsy
- Fracture Treatment
- Knee Arthroplasty
- Arthritis And Pain Management
- Knee Pain Treatment