Dr. Kasturi Khatniar
13 years of experience
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About Dr.Kasturi
Dr. Kasturi Khatniar is a Dentist and Dental Surgeon in Rajarhat, Kolkata and has an experience of 9 years in these fields. Dr. Kasturi Khatniar practices at Smile Architect Dental Clinic in Rajarhat, Kolkata. He completed BDS from KGF College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Kolar in 2012 and F.A.G.E from Manipal University in 2012.
He is a member of Indian Dental Association. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Glutathione - Skin Whitening, Wisdom Tooth Extraction, Composite tooth filling, Fixed Partial Denture (FPD) and RCT - Single Sitting etc.
Dr.Kasturi Specializations
- Dentist
- Dental Surgeon
Dr.Kasturi Education
- BDS - KGF College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Kolar
- F.A.G.E - Manipal University
Dr.Kasturi Experience
Oral and Dental SurgeonSmile Architect Dental Clinic2012 - 2016
Dr.Kasturi Registration
- 1209-A Karnataka State Dental Council 2012
- Indian Dental Association
- Surgical Tooth Extraction
- Tooth Extraction
- Teeth Whitening
- Tooth Air Polishing
- Tooth Coloured Fillings
- Wisdom Tooth Extraction
- Immediate Dentures
- Glutathione Skin Whitening Treatment
- Fixed Partial Denture Fpd
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Rct Root Canal Treatment
- Rct Single Sitting
- Scaling Polishing