Dr. Khushboo Karnani
10 years of experience
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About Dr.Khushboo
Dr. Khushboo Karnani is a highly skilled doctor in Kolkata.
Dr.Khushboo Specializations
- Dentist
- Cosmetic/aesthetic Dentist
- Dental Surgeon
Dr.Khushboo Awards
- Consistent Performer by Mahatma Gandhi Dental College 2012
- For participating in Youth Interactive Session by Ministry of Rajasthan 2013
Dr.Khushboo Education
- BDS - Mahatma Gandhi Dental College Hospital, Sitapura, Jaipur
Dr.Khushboo Experience
ObserverSmile Carve Dental Clinic2013 - 2014
DentistSeva Bharti Trust New Alipore2015 - 2016
Dr.Khushboo Registration
- A 4346 Rajasthan State Dental Registration Tribunal 2015
- Zirconia Crowns
- Dental Fillings
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Tooth Extraction
- Dental Sleep Medicine Snoring And Sleep Apnea Management