Dr. Kiran S Murthy
28 years of experience
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About Dr.Kiran
Dr. Kiran S Murthy is a highly skilled doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Kiran Specializations
- Physiotherapist
Dr.Kiran Awards
- Significant Contribution Award BPN 2013
- AIAP 2005
- Indian Academy of Cerebral palsy
- Bangalore Physiotherapists Network(Executive Member}
- Rayarakirana Charitable and cultural Trust-Director
Dr.Kiran Education
- BPTh/BPT - Medical College, Calcutta
- Fellowship in Sports Science (FSS) - APOLLO HOSPITALS HYDERABAD
- NDT/MFT - Jeena Org California USA
- NICU - Jeena Org California USA
- Diploma in Epilepsy Care - Bangalore University
Dr.Kiran Experience
OwnerRayara Kirana Physiotherapy & Rehab Clinic1997 - 2019
Chief Paediatric PhysiotherapistParijma Neuro Rehabilitation and Diagnostic centre2017 - 2017
Dr.Kiran Registration
- 2005 Indian Association of Physiotherapist (IAP) 2000
- Indian Academy of Cerebral Palsy
- Founder Member OF Home Health Care
- Stick Mobility
- Strengthening Excercise
- Tailbone Pain Treatment
- Traction
- Visceral Manipulation
- Stroke Physiotherapy