Dr. K.mathaiyan
33 years of experience
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About Dr.K.mathaiyan
Dr. K.mathaiyan is one of the most esteemed doctor in Chennai.
Dr.K.mathaiyan Specializations
- Orthopedist
Dr.K.mathaiyan Education
- MBBS - Madras Medical College, Chennai
- Diploma in Orthopaedics - The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University (TNMGRMU)
Dr.K.mathaiyan Experience
OwnerSri Balaji Ortho Care1998 -
Dr.K.mathaiyan Registration
- 51244 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1992
- Tamilnadu Medical Council
- Knee Replacement
- Hip Resurfacing
- Spinal Fusion
- Knee Braces For Osteoarthritis
- Spinal Therapy