Dr. M Balaraju Naidu Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Orthopedist And Traumatology Specialist
14 years of experience
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About Dr.M
Dr. M Balaraju Naidu is a highly skilled doctor in Hyderabad.
Dr.M Specializations
- Orthopedist And Traumatology Specialist
- Orthopedist
- Orthopedist Of Superior Extremity
Dr.M Awards
- First Best Poster Presentation Award at Indian Society of Hip and Knee Surgeons (ISHK,) April 9th 2016 Held on February 20th, 2016, Chennai 2013
- First Best Poster Presentation Award at Telangana State Conference TOSACON 2016 Held on February 20th, 2016, Hyderabad 2016
Dr.M Education
- MS - Orthopaedics - Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad
- MBBS - Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad
- DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery - Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad
- SICOT Fellowship in Arthoplasty & Arthoscopy - Mr. Angus Robertson Llandlough Hospital, Cardiff, United Kingdom
- Fellow in Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery - Dr. Catani Fabio University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
- Fellow in Hip and knee Replacement Surgery - Dr. Luigi Zagra IRCCS Instituto orthopedia Galeazi, Milan, Italy
- Fellow in Computer Navigation Replacement Surgery - Dr. Med Gunnar Ochs BG Klinic, Tubingen, Germany
- Fellow in Peri Prosthetic Fracture Fixation - Dr. Ferreira, Cliniq Du Parc, Lyon, France
Dr.M Experience
Registrar and Clinical Research Head in the Dept of ArthroplastyCentre for Excellence in Joint Replacements, Sunshine Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana, India2015 - 2016
Senior ResidencyDepartment of Orthopedics, Gandhi Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana, India2014 - 2014
Ganga Hospital TrainingGanga Hospital, Coimbatore, TamilNadu, India2012 - 2012
Dr.M Registration
- 66306 Andhra Pradesh Medical Council 2010
- International Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SICOT)
- International society for knowledge for surgeons on arthroscopy and arthroplasty (ISKSAA)
- Indian Orthopedic Association (IOA)
- Indian Society of Hip and Knee Surgeons (ISHKS)
- Telangana Orthopedic Surgeons Association (TOSA)
- Twin Cities Orthopedic Surgeons Association (TCOS)
- Neuropathy Assessment
- Knee Arthroplasty
- Arthritis And Pain Management
- Knee Osteotomy
- Knee Pain Treatment
- Spine Mobilization
- Rotator Cuff Injury Treatment
- Knee Replacement
- Knee Care
- Ligament And Tendon Repair
- Hip Arthroplasty
- Elbow Replacement
- Hip Replacement
- Kyphoplasty
- Acl Reconstruction
- Fracture Treatment
- Frozen Shoulder Treatment
- Frozen Shoulder Physiotherapy
- Sciatica Pain Treatment
- Achilles Tendon Rupture Treatment
- Hand Pain Treatment
- Neck Pain Treatment
- Neck And Spine Biopsy
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Scoliosis Correction