Dr. Madhu K Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Madhu
Dr. Madhu K is a Pulmonologist in Kuvempunagar, Mysore and has an experience of 24 years in this field. Dr. Madhu K practices at Apollo BGS Hospitals in Kuvempunagar, Mysore. He completed MBBS from MSRMC, Bangalore in 1997,DTCD(Diploma in TB and Chest Dieseas) from MMC, Mysore in 2006 and DNB - Pulmonary Medicine from CMC, Vellore in 2009.
Dr.Madhu Specializations
- Pulmonologist
Dr.Madhu Education
- MBBS - MSRMC, Bangalore
- DTCD(Diploma in TB and Chest Dieseas) - MMC, Mysore
- DNB - Pulmonary Medicine - CMC, Vellore
Dr.Madhu Experience
PulmonologistApollo Hospitals2016 - 2019
Dr.Madhu Registration
- 65472 Karnataka Medical Council 2003
- American College of Chest Physicians