Dr. Madhuri Sumanth Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Madhuri
Dr. Madhuri Sumanth is a renowned doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Madhuri Specializations
- Gynecologist
- Infertility Specialist
- Obstetrician
Dr.Madhuri Education
- MBBS - Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences Bellur
- MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore
- Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery - GEM institute coimbatore
Dr.Madhuri Experience
Dr.Madhuri Registration
- 83134 Karnataka Medical Council 2009
- Bangalore Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI)
- Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASI)
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Early Pregnancy Scan
- Contraception Advice
- Dysmenorrhea Treatment
- Hysteroscopy
- Cervical Cancer
- Female Infertility Treatment
- Pre And Post Delivery Care