Dr. Mahima Pawar Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
10 years of experience
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About Dr.Mahima
Dr. Mahima Pawar is a highly skilled Hypnotherapist and Psychologist in Delhi. He holds an experience of 9 years in medical field. He has done his Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy (CCht ) from California Hypnosis Institute, USA in 2018 and MA - Applied Psychology from Manav Rachna University in 2016. He currently consults at Evolve Wellness in Andheri East(Mumbai).
Dr.Mahima Specializations
- Hypnotherapist
- Psychologist
Dr.Mahima Education
- Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy (CCht ) - California Hypnosis Institute, USA
- MA - Applied Psychology - Manav Rachna University
Dr.Mahima Experience
PsychologistUnique Psychological Services2015 - 2016
Psycholoist and HypnotherapistSoul Mind Power2017 - 2019
Dr.Mahima Registration
- A82988 Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) 2022
- Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Anger Management
- Premarital Counseling
- Career Counselling
- Child And Adolescent Problems
- Past Life Regression Therapy
- Stress Management
- Family Counseling
- Marriage Marital Counselling
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cbt
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Ocd Treatment