Dr. Mangesh Patil
18 years of experience
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About Dr.Mangesh
Dr. Mangesh Patil is a highly skilled doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Mangesh Specializations
- Urologist
Dr.Mangesh Awards
- The Best Doctor Performance Award
- Asia Pacific International Award for Health Excellence
Dr.Mangesh Education
- DNB - Urology/Genito - Urinary Surgery - Diplomate of National Board, New Delhi
- MBBS - Dr. BabaSaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
- MS - General Surgery - Nagpur University.
- MNAMS - General Surgery - National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)
Dr.Mangesh Experience
Consultant Urologist, Department of urologyAsian Vattikuti institute of robotic urology2011 - 2014
Consultant urologist & Robotic Surgeon, Department of urologySir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital2015 -
Clinical Associate, Dept. of urologyPD Hinduja Hospital
Senior Resident - Dept. of UrologySRS Memorial Hospital
LecturerM. G.M. Medical college and Hospital2006 - 2007
Resident, Dept. of SurgeryGovernment. Medical College2003 - 2006
InternM.G.M. Medical College2001 - 2002
Dr.Mangesh Registration
- 2002/03/1216 Maharashtra Medical Council 2002
- Robotic Surgery training for urological cancers
- Urological Society of India (USI)
- Indian medical Association( IMA)
- Mumbai Urological society(MUS)
- National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS)
- Associaltion of Medical Consultants
- Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment
- Subincision
- Urology Consultation
- Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection
- Ureterostomy
- Urethrotomy
- Radical Cystectomy
- Radical Prostatectomy
- Lithotripsy
- Transurethral Resection Of Bladder Tumor
- Varicocele Surgery
- Treatment Of Erectile Dysfunction
- Minimally Invasive Urology
- Vascular Surgery
- Vasectomy
- Vasectomy Reversal
- Circumcision
- Prostate Cancer Surgery
- Laser Prostatectomy
- Male Infertility Treatment
- Surgery Of The Penis
- Cystectomy