Dr. Manish Kumar Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
21 years of experience
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About Dr.Manish
Dr. Manish Kumar is a reputed doctor in Patna with over 21 years of experience.
Dr.Manish Specializations
- Psychiatrist
- Addiction Psychiatrist
- Epilepsy Specialist
Dr.Manish Education
- MBBS - Patna Medical College, Patna
Dr.Manish Experience
Resident DoctorCIP2003 - 2005
ConsultantRINPAS2008 - 2011
ConsultantNMCH2011 - 2013
ConsultantParas Hospital2013 -
Owner & ConsultantMind and Behaviour Clinic2013 -
Dr.Manish Registration
- 33133 Bihar Medical Council 2002
- Headache Management
- Epilepsy