Dr. Maulik Patwa
28 years of experience
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About Dr.Maulik
Dr. Maulik Patwa is a highly skilled doctor in Ahmedabad.
Dr.Maulik Specializations
- Orthopedist
- Ortho Surgeon
Dr.Maulik Awards
- Awarded from AO and OREF, USA. AO Spine Fellowship, South Korea.
Dr.Maulik Education
- MBBS - Gujarat University, India
- MS - Orthopaedics Gujarat University, India
Dr.Maulik Experience
Assistant Professor of OrthopaedicsL.G.General Hospital and NHL Muni Medical College1998 - 2003
ConsultantApollo Hospital International Ltd2003 - 2017
Dr.Maulik Registration
- G-21799 Gujarat Medical Council 1994
- Medical Council of India (MCI)
- Gujarat Medical Council
- Spine
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Diabetic Foot Check Up
- Foot Assessment
- Neuropathy Assessment
- Foot Drop
- High Risk Wound Care
- Lower Extremity Wound Care
- Heat Therapy Treatment