Dr. Md. Faruqi
Cardiothoracic And Vascular Surgeon
41 years of experience
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About Dr.Md.
Dr. Md. Faruqi is a highly skilled doctor in Visakhapatnam.
Dr.Md. Specializations
- Cardiothoracic And Vascular Surgeon
Dr.Md. Awards
- Journal Published in Indian Journal of Thoracic and CV Surgery 1983
Dr.Md. Education
- MBBS - Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
- MS - General Surgery - Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
- MCh - Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery - Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore
Dr.Md. Experience
Cardiac SurgeonSouthern Railway Hospital1987 - 1997
Chief CT SurgeonCity Cardiac Centre1997 - 1999
Chief CT SurgeonApollo Hospital1999 - 2004
Chief CT SurgeonRamesh Hospital2004 - 2012
Dr.Md. Registration
- 64870 Andhra Pradesh Medical Council 2009
- Medical Council of India (MCI)
- Coronary Angiogram
- Cardio Thoracic Surgery
- Acute Aortic Dissection
- Vascular Surgery
- Peripheral Angioplasty
- Cardiac Invasive Procedures
- Cardiac Procedure