Dr. Meenakshi Jagwani Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
13 years of experience
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About Dr.Meenakshi
Dr. Meenakshi Jagwani is a renowned doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Meenakshi Specializations
- Dermatologist
Dr.Meenakshi Education
- MBBS - J.S.S Medical College, Mysore
- DDVL - KLE University
Dr.Meenakshi Experience
Dr.Meenakshi Registration
- 81370 Karnataka Medical Council 2008
- Indian journal of Dermatology, veneoriology and leprosy
- Bangalore Dermatological Society
- Wart Removal
- Laser Hair Reduction
- Botox Injections
- Hair Loss Treatment
- Dermabrasion
- Skin Tag Surgical Removal
- Dandruff Treatment
- Hair Transplant Surgery
- Dental Fillings
- Dermaroller
- Chemical Peel
- Skin Care
- Thread Lift