Dr. Mrinal Sharma
Knee Surgeon
22 years of experience
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About Dr.Mrinal
Dr. Mrinal Sharma is a renowned doctor in Noida.
Dr.Mrinal Specializations
- Knee Surgeon
- Orthopedist
- Joint Replacement Surgeon
Dr.Mrinal Awards
- Meena DS, Sharma Mrinal, Sharma CS, Patni P.Carpal tunnel syndrome due to hemangioma of median nerve. IJO,jan 2007
- Mrinal Sharma.letter to the editor published online. JBJS(Br)nov 2009,Kotwal PP,Khan SA. Tuberculosis of the hand: clinical presentation and functional outcome in 32 patients. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2009; 91-B: 1054-1057
- Pankaj A, Sharma Mrinal .Neglected,locked,obturator type of inferior hip dislocation treated by total hip arthroplasty.Acta Orthop Trauma Surg. 2011Apr 131(4):443-6. DOI 10.1007/s00402- 010-1141-0
- Sharma Mrinal, Gulati D, Sharma S.Comments on ‘Reduction of Acute Anterior Dislocations: A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing a New Technique with the Hippocratic and Kocher Methods’. Letter to the editor JBJS (Am);(2 June 2010) 2775-2782
- Sharma Mrinal,Sharma S. Comment on ‘Shape memory NiTi alloy swan like bone connector for treatment of humeral shaft nonunion’.International Orthopaedics.DOI:10.1007/s00264-010-1067-8
- Pankaj A, Sharma Mrinal .Osteochondritis dissecans of Talus.Orthopaedics today.june 2010 (published by AIIMS,Delhi)
- Kanniraj M, Joshi N, Sharma M, et al. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using the medial third of the patellar tendon. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2011;19(2):221-5
- Aggarwal A N, Gulati D, Sharma M, Kini S G, Jajodia N, Rustagi A. Terrible triad of elbow: experience of three cases. Journal of west Bengal orthopaedic association. july 2012;26(1):15-18.
- Kini S K, Sharma M, Raman R.A rare case of open bicondylar Hoffa fracture with extensor mechanism disruption.BMJ Case Rep 2013.doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-009541
- Kharbanda Y,Sharma M, Vadhera A,Srivastava V. Internal fixation of fractures of the capitellum and trochleae Retrospective analysis of 26 cases. Apollo Medicine may 2013. doi:10.1016/j.apme.2013.05.015
- Vaishya R,Sharma M. Bioball modular neck adapter as a salvage for failed revision total hip arthroplasty.Indian Journal of Orthopedics 2013;47(5):519-22
- Kharbanda Y, Sharma M, Singh K, kumar L. Side swipe injuries around the elbow- management and functional outcome.Indian Journal of Orthopedics 2013;47(4):382-387
- Kharbanda Y,Sharma M.Autograft reconstructions for bone defects in primary total knee replacement in severe varus knees.Indian Journal of Orthopedics .2014;48(3):313-318
- Sharma M, Bhupender, Bahl V,Bohra I L et al.Short term results of total hip replacement in sicklers. Indian J Orthop. 2015;July
- Deep K,Duff S,Sharma M,Goudie ST,Khan MS,Payne A.Effect of Traditional Sequential Medial Soft Tissue Release on Knee Kinematics and Alignment.MOJ Orthopedics and rheumatology.2016,4(6):00156
- Gaudiani MA,NwachukwuBU,Baviskar JV,SharmaM,Ranawat AS. Optimization of sagittal and coronal planes with robotic assisted unicompartmental knee arthoplasty.Knee 2017 Aug24(4):837-843
- M P CHAPTER GOLD MEDAL 2010 at Cezcon, Jaipur for best paper presentation on ‘osteosynthesis for Radial head & neck fractures
- Certificate of honor at the doctor’s day celebrations on 1st july 2012 , organized by senior citizen’s forum club 26 ,Noida.
- First Ambassador of Indian Orthopedic Association to Singapore.2010
- SICOT India foundation Award 2014
- International healthcare services excellence award 2017 for Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in North India
Dr.Mrinal Education
- MBBS - Government Medical College & Rajendra Hospital,Punjabi University,Patiala
- MS - Orthopaedics - Sawai Mansingh Medical College, Jaipur (SMS College)
- DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery - National Board of Examination, India
- Diploma - SICOT - SICOT, Belgium
- M.Ch - Orthopaedics - USAIM
Dr.Mrinal Experience
Senior ResidentApollo Hospital,New Delhi2007 - 2008
Senior ResidentUniversity college of medical Sciences & GTB Hospital ,New Delhi2008 - 2010
ConsultantIndraprastha Apollo Hospital,New Delhi2010 - 2013
Consultant Orthopedic surgeonBLK Superspeciality Hospital,New Delhi2013 -
Dr.Mrinal Registration
- 36422 Delhi Medical Council 2007
- Indian Arthroscopy Society (LM 815)
- Indian Orthopaedic Association (life member 7958)
- SICOT (associate member-14348)
- North zone chapter of IOA (life member-565)
- Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences (MNAMS)
- Delhi Orthopaedic Association(Life member)
- Central zone of Ioa. (life member 628)
- Member Rajasthan orthopedic surgeon association.
- Rotator Cuff Injury Treatment
- Knee Replacement
- Joint Replacement Surgery
- Ligament Reconstruction
- Limb Lengthening
- Elbow Replacement
- Hip Replacement
- Revision Hip And Knee Arthroplasty
- Correction Of Deformities
- Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
- Reconstruction And Bone Lengthening
- Shoulder Replacement
- Arthroscopy