Dr. Nabaneeta Padhy
25 years of experience
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About Dr.Nabaneeta
Dr. Nabaneeta Padhy is a highly skilled doctor in Kolkata.
Dr.Nabaneeta Specializations
- Gynecologist
- Infertility Specialist
- Laparoscopic Surgeon (Obs & Gyn)
Dr.Nabaneeta Awards
- National Award from Governor of Tamil Nadu for her excellence in Infertility 2013
Dr.Nabaneeta Education
- MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Berhampur University
- MBBS - Berhampur University
Dr.Nabaneeta Experience
GynaecologistN.M.D.C Apollo Central Hospital, Chhattisgarh2000 - 2001
GynaecologistLaparoscopy Hospital, Orissa2001 - 2002
Gynaecologist & IVFSteel Plant Hospital2002 - 2005
Gynaecologist & IVFInstitute of Reproductive Medicine, MMM2006 - 2010
Gynaecologist & IVFVijaya Hospital2010 - 2016
Dr.Nabaneeta Registration
- 12311 Orissa Medical Council 2002
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility (COGI)
- Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI)
- Fertilization
- Embryo Donor Program
- Natural Cycle Ivf
- Female Infertility Treatment
- Vaginal Infection Treatment
- Endometriosis