Dr. Nandita Asthana Sanker
19 years of experience
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About Dr.Nandita
Dr. Nandita Asthana Sanker is a renowned doctor in Hyderabad.
Dr.Nandita Specializations
- Hypnotherapist
- Psychotherapist
- Psychologist
Dr.Nandita Education
- MA - Delhi University
- BA - Delhi Univerity
- Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy - EKAA Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy Foundation
Dr.Nandita Experience
Inner Child TherapistMy inner courtyard2005 - 2017
- Panic
- Violent Behavior
- Deaddiction Counselling
- Grief Counselling
- Stress
- Psychic Integration
- Suicidal Behavior
- Psychosocial Rehabilitation
- Adult Counselling
- Psychoanalysis
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Psychoanalysis To Suicide
- Psychological Problems
- Psychosexual Problems
- Psychotherapy Adult
- Psychotherapy For Couples
- Educational Consultation
- Brief Psychodynamic Therapy
- Brief Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
- Child And Adolescent Problems
- Concentration Problems
- Depression Counselling
- Parent Counseling
- Premarital Counseling
- Career Counselling
- Youth Counselling
- Past Life Regression Therapy
- Abandoned Child Syndrome
- Patient Counselling
- Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Family Counseling
- Online Counselling
- Stress Management
- Adolescent Medicine