Dr. Neeraj Sahni
Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction & Orofacial Pain Specialist
24 years of experience
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About Dr.Neeraj
Dr. Neeraj Sahni is a highly skilled doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Neeraj Specializations
- Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction & Orofacial Pain Specialist
- Implantologist
- Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr.Neeraj Awards
- Best Dental Entrepreneur in Delhi - Global Healthcare Excellence Awards by Prime Time Media 2013
- Best Dentist in Delhi - Brand Achievers Awards in association with Leadership & Quality Promotion Council 2015
Dr.Neeraj Education
- BDS - D.A.V Centenary Dental College, Yamuna Nagar
- MSc - Clinical Research - University College London
- MS - Surgical - University of London, United Kingdom
- MBBS - University of London, United Kingdom
Dr.Neeraj Experience
DentistAvana2001 - 2017
Dr.Neeraj Registration
- A3441 Delhi State Dental Council 2015
- British Dental Association
- Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics and Intervention Society
- Botox Injections
- Injectable Fillers
- Hair Loss Treatment
- Face Lift
- Smile Design
- Hair Transplant Surgery
- Prp Hair Transplantation
- Dimple Creation
- Liposuction
- Wedding Smile Planner