Dr. Nishant Sinha Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Nishant
Dr. Nishant Sinha is a reputed doctor in Hyderabad with over 15 years of experience.
Dr.Nishant Specializations
- Pulmonologist
Dr.Nishant Awards
- Indian Chest Society Travel Grant award, NAPCON 2009: For outstanding work in the field of research in Pulmonary Medicine, awarded by Minister of Health, Kerala, in Calicut, Kerala (Nov 2009)
- Oral paper presentation under J C Kothari Young Scientist Award: Presented thesis project, NAPCON 2009
- Organizing Committee National Conference in Intervention Pulmonology, Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore (Jan 2011)
- National Faculty, 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Bronchology and Intervention Pulmonology, Jaipur (Jan 2012)
- Peer reviewer since 2011 – International Journal of COPD, International Journal of Medical Case reports, International Journal of Medicine
- Certificate of appreciation – Delivered lecture on EBUS (Endo Bronchial Ultra Sonography) Anatomy for East of England Respiratory Specialist Registrar (SpR) Training workshop on Intervention Pulmonology, Basildon University Hospital, UK (Nov 2015)
- Certificate of appreciation - Faculty member of core medical training skill workshop, chest ultrasonography and technique of Seldinger chest drain on sheep model, Basildon University Hospital, UK (Feb 2016)
- Study on Lung Cancer diagnostic pathway via early use of EBUS was accepted for presentation, as Thematic poster under category of Clinical aspects of Lung Cancer, ERS International Congress, London, UK (Sep 2016)
Dr.Nishant Education
- MBBS - Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore
- DNB - Respiratory Diseases - Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore
- FRCP - Royal College of Physicians, London, UK
Dr.Nishant Experience
Speciality RegistrarBasildon University Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, Basildon Essex, UK2014 - 2016
Consultant PulmonologistFortis Hospital, Bangalore2012 - 2014
Consultant and Assistant ProfessorPondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry2011 - 2012
Faculty TutorChristian Medical College Hospital, Vellore2010 - 2011
Dr.Nishant Registration
- 02808 Telangana Medical Council 2017
- European Respiratory Society (ERS)
- World Association of Bronchology and Intervention Pulmonology
- General Medical Council UK