Dr. Nithin Jayan Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
11 years of experience
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About Dr.Nithin
Dr. Nithin Jayan is a renowned doctor in Kochi.
Dr.Nithin Specializations
- Anesthesiologist
- General Practitioner
Dr.Nithin Education
- MBBS - Govt Medical college Trivandrum
- DNB - Anaesthesia - National Board Of Examination
Dr.Nithin Experience
DNB ResidentVPS Lakeshore Hospital2014 - 2017
Dr.Nithin Registration
- TCMC44172 Travancore-Cochin Medical Council, Trivandrum 2011
- Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists (ISA)
- European Society of Anaesthesia
- Chronic Pain Treatment
- Epidural And Spinal Anesthesia