Dr. P. Krishna Subramanyam Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
26 years of experience
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About Dr.P. Krishna
Dr. P. Krishna Subramanyam is a highly skilled doctor in Hyderabad.
Dr.P. Krishna Specializations
- Orthopedist
- Spine Surgeon
Dr.P. Krishna Awards
- Dhanwantari Medal APIOACON 1997
- Gold Medal and Best Scientific Paper Award 2011
Dr.P. Krishna Education
- MBBS - Nagarjuna University
- MS - Orthopaedics - Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad
Dr.P. Krishna Experience
Lead Surgeon Arthroscopy and Joint Replacement UnitYashoda Hospital
Dr.P. Krishna Registration
- 33970 Andhra Pradesh Medical Council 2004
- Indian Orthopaedic Association
- World Orthopedic Concern
- Indian Arthroscopy Society
- Shoulder Injuries
- Complex Trauma
- Arthritis
- Arthroscopy