Dr. Pallavi Joshi
18 years of experience
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About Dr.Pallavi
Dr. Pallavi Joshi is a renowned doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Pallavi Specializations
- Homoeopath
Dr.Pallavi Education
- BHMS - Dr. JJ Magdum Homeopathic Medical College
Dr.Pallavi Experience
Assistant Consultant HomoepathAsha Homoepathic Clinic, Miraj2008 - 2013
Consultant HomoeopathAarogyam Homoeopathic Clinic, Ichalkaranji2010 - 2016
Consultant HomoeopathVashistha Homoeopathy Clinic2016 - 2016
Dr.Pallavi Registration
- 47128 Maharashtra Council of Homoeopathy 2008
- Central Council of Homeopathy
- Psoriasis Treatment
- Warts
- Kidney Stone Treatment
- Hair Fall Treatment
- Infertility
- Arthritis And Pain Management
- Hair Care
- Gastritis Treatment
- Liver Disease Treatment
- Migraine Treatment
- Depression Treatment
- Hypertension Treatment
- Diabetes Management
- Eczema Treatment
- Asthma
- Hemorrhoids Treatment
- Joint Pain Treatment
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Allergy Treatment
- Viral Fever Treatment
- Anxiety Disorders Treatment
- Peptic Gastric Ulcer Treatment
- Gall Bladder Biliary Stone Treatment
- Urinary Tract Bladder Stones Treatment
- Acne Pimples Treatment
- Sinus Sinusitis Treatment
- Pcod Pcos Treatment