Dr. Poonam Gupta (Physiotherapist)
14 years of experience
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About Dr.Poonam
Dr. Poonam Gupta (Physiotherapist) is one of the most esteemed doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Poonam Specializations
- Physiotherapist
- Orthopedic Physiotherapist
Dr.Poonam Education
- Masters Of Physiotheraphy - Manipal University
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy - Manipal University
Dr.Poonam Experience
PhysiotherapistAktivhealth2017 - 2017
Assistant ProfessorManav Rachna International University2016 - 2017
PhysiotherapistAktivortho2015 - 2016
PhysiotherapistSouthend Orthopedic Clinic2013 - 2015
Freelance PhysiotherapistSelf Employed2012 - 2013
- Physiotherapy Rehab
- Balance Exercises
- Functional Exercises
- Pregnancy Exercise
- Pain Management Counseling
- Mulligan Manipulation
- Osteopathic Treatment
- Manual Therapy
- Strengthening Excercise