Dr. Popi Das
24 years of experience
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About Dr.Popi
Dr. Popi Das is a General Physician and Diabetologist in Kaggadasapura, Bangalore and has an experience of 20 years in these fields. Dr. Popi Das practices at The Family Doctor in Kaggadasapura, Bangalore. She completed MBBS from Assam Medical College in 2001,Fellowship In Critical Care from Apollo Hospitals in 2010 and DNB - Family Medicine from Apollo Hospitals in 2012.
Dr.Popi Specializations
- Diabetologist
- General Physician
Dr.Popi Education
- MBBS - Assam Medical College
- Fellowship In Critical Care - Apollo Hospitals
- Diploma in Family Medicine (DFM) - Apollo Hospitals
- Fellowship in Diabetology - Apollo Hospitals
Dr.Popi Experience
General Physician & DiabetologistThe Family Doctor2011 - 2015
Dr.Popi Registration
- 96184 Karnataka Medical Council 2012