Dr. Prafull S. Yashwantrao Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
11 years of experience
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About Dr.Prafull
Dr. Prafull S. Yashwantrao is a highly skilled doctor in Thane.
Dr.Prafull Specializations
- Ayurveda
Dr.Prafull Education
- BAMS - B.S.D.T Ayurved College, Pune
- MD - Ayurveda Medicine - Yerla Ayurvedic Medical College
Dr.Prafull Experience
Senior ConsultantAmrut Kalash2014 -
Dr.Prafull Registration
- 68073 Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine 2011
- National Integrated medical Association
- Ayurvedic Surgery
- Nasyam
- Sirodhara
- Sirovasthi
- Snehapanam
- Panchakarma
- Kizhi
- Pizhichil
- Vasthi
- Nadi Pariksha
- Piles Treatment Non Surgical