Dr. Prakruthi S
21 years of experience
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About Dr.Prakruthi
Dr. Prakruthi S is a highly skilled doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Prakruthi Specializations
- Ayurveda
Dr.Prakruthi Education
- MS - Ayurveda - Government Ayurveda Medical College
- BAMS - Sri Dharamastala Manjunatheshwara college of Ayurveda and Hospital
Dr.Prakruthi Experience
DoctorRamakrishna nursing home2005 - 2006
ConsultantPrakruthi ayur health center2011 - 2017
ConsultantShathayu speciality clinic2017 - 2018
Dr.Prakruthi Registration
- 17924 Karnataka Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioner's Board 2005
- Diabetic Ulcer Treatment
- Weight Loss Diet Counseling
- Kidney Stone Treatment
- Arterial Thrombosis Treatment
- Well Woman Healthcheck
- Arthritis Management
- Disc Prolapse
- Arthritis And Pain Management
- Articular Degenerative Disease Treatment
- Constipation Treatment
- Hair Care
- Fistula Treatment
- Gastritis Treatment
- Skin Care
- Corn Removal
- Foot Care
- Abdominal Pain Treatment
- Diabetes Management
- Beauty Enhancement
- Choronic Health Issues Management
- Chronic Pain Treatment
- Ayurvedic Surgery
- Colitis Treatment
- Panchakarma
- Neck Pain Treatment