Dr. Pramod B R Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
24 years of experience
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About Dr.Pramod
Dr. Pramod B R is a renowned doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Pramod Specializations
- Andrologist
- General Surgeon
- Urologist
Dr.Pramod Awards
- Best Postgraduate Award by the Karnataka Urology Association 2009
- Devon Innovation Fellow 2009
Dr.Pramod Education
- MBBS - Mysore Medical Colloge, Mysore
- MS - General Surgery - Stanley Medical College & Hospital , Chennai
- MRCS (UK) - The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), UK
- MCh - Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
- DNB - Urology/Genito - Urinary Surgery - National Board of Education, New Delhi
Dr.Pramod Experience
ConsultantApollo Hospitals2010 - 2015
Senior ResidentVIMS2007 - 2010
Assistant ProfessorSri Devaraj Urs Medical College2006 - 2007
RegistrarBhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital2005 - 2006
Senior ResidentGovt. Stanley Medical College and Hospital2002 - 2005
Resident InternGovt Mysore Medical College and K.R Hospital2000 - 2001
Dr.Pramod Registration
- 59526 Karnataka Medical Council 2001
- Urological Society of India (USI)
- Kidney Disease Treatment
- Kidney Stone Treatment
- Minimally Invasive Urology
- Prostate Laser Surgery
- Reconstructive Urology