Dr. Pratap Chandra Rath
45 years of experience
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About Dr.Pratap
Dr. Pratap Chandra Rath is a renowned doctor in Hyderabad.
Dr.Pratap Specializations
- Cardiologist
Dr.Pratap Awards
- Organized The First National Interventional Council Meeting Of Cardiology Society Of India At Hyderabad 1999
- Organized The Indo-french Interventional Cardiology Conference At Hyderabad 2000
- Trained Nine Young Cardiology Fellows In Interventional Cardiology At Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad And Thirty Physicians On Echo, Tmt And Ccu Management.
- Started Interventional Cardiology Programme At Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, Institute Of Cardiovascular Disease, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Combined Military Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh And Scb Medical College, Cuttack, Orissa.
- Trained Doctors And Started Coronary Stenting Programme At Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital, Cdr Hospital, Hyderabad And Institute Of Cardiovascular Disease, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Institute Of Cardiovascular Disease, Dhaka.
- Founding Trustee & Scientific Director – Indo French Institute Of Carotid And Peripheral Vascular And Diseases. Implanted Drug Eluting (Cypher) Stent 1st Time In Asia Pacific Countries
- Organized First Asia Pacific Transradial Interventional Workshop At Apollo Hospital.
- Organized Five National Meetings & Live Demonstration Courses At Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad On Interventional Cardiology.
- Participated As A Faculty In 25 National & International Meeting In India, Bangladesh, China, Singapore, Europe & Usa.
- Zonal Coordinator, Ptca Registry, India 1997
- Selected By The Cardiological Society Of India And Delivered Dr K.k.datey Memorial Oration In The Annual Conference Of Cardiological Society Of India At Kolkata 2003
- First Time Performed Drug Eluting Stent In Asia Pacific Region.
- First Time Performed Carotid Stenting By Using Protection Device In India. (Published In Indian Heart Journal)
- Performed One Of The Highest Number Of Percutaneous Transluminal Myocardial Laser Revascularization (Ptmr) In India (Published In Indian Heart Journal).
- First Time Performed Venous Graft Intervention Using Protection Device In India (Published In Indian Heart Journal).
- First Time Performed Trans Radial Coronary Angioplasty And Stenting In Asia Pacific Region In ’94 ( Published In Indian Heart Journal Also Reported In The Limca Book Of World Records).
- Largest Series Of Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty In The World Using Bifoil Balloon Catheter (Published In Journal Of Cardiovascular Diagnosis).
- PS Rao, Rath PC, Tripti Deb, S Reddy, V Dixit: Initial experience with buttoned umbrella device for closure of ASD and PDA. IHJ (Abstract. Issue Sept/Oct) 1993
- PS Rao, Rath PC, Tripti Deb, C Dixit: Immediate Results Of Low Pressure Prolonged Dilation Vs High Pressure Short Dilation. IHJ, Sept Oct, Vol 455, No. 5, P. 406 1993
Dr.Pratap Education
- MBBS - Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Sambalpur, Odisha
- MD - General Medicine - Sriram Chandra Bhanj Medical College, Cuttack
- DM - Cardiology - University Of Madras, India
Dr.Pratap Experience
Lecturer, Cardiology,Christian Medical College1986 - 1988
Sr. Consultant Cardiologist & Director, Cath Lab & Interventional CardiologyApollo Hospitals1998 - 2019
Dr.Pratap Registration
- 33506 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1980
- American College of Cardiology
- European College of Cardiology
- Indian College of Cardiology (ICC)
- Angiogram
- Cardiac Ablation
- Cardiac Catheterisation
- Cardioversion
- Carotid Artery Disease
- Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
- Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
- Open Heart Surgery
- Vascular Surgery