Dr. Pratibha Bhosale Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
23 years of experience
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About Dr.Pratibha
Dr. Pratibha Bhosale is a highly skilled doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Pratibha Specializations
- Homoeopath
Dr.Pratibha Education
- BHMS - Venutai yashwantrao chavan,homoeopathic medical college,kolhapur,maharashtra.
Dr.Pratibha Experience
OnwerShree Homeo Clinic2002 - 2016
Dr.Pratibha Registration
- 34253 Maharashtra Council of Homoeopathy 2002
- Psoriasis Treatment
- Weight Gain Diet Counseling
- Warts
- Hypertension Treatment
- Tonsillitis Treatment
- Mental Disorder
- Diabetes Management
- Kidney Stone Treatment
- Eczema Treatment
- Allergy Treatment
- Weight Management Counseling
- Thyroid Disorder Treatment
- Vitiligo