Dr. Premalatha G
34 years of experience
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About Dr.Premalatha
Dr. Premalatha G is one of the most esteemed doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Premalatha Specializations
- Diabetologist
- General Physician
Dr.Premalatha Awards
- Paper presentation in API (Golden Jubilee Conference) 1995
- Practical Diabetology held by Steno Diabetic Centre, Denmark 1997
- Fellowship in Diabetology (MVDSC) Epidemiology at Square one (MDRF and Sundaram Medical Foundation 1998
- Internal Quality Auditors Training Programme - Aptech Consulting 1998
- Participated in International Symposium on Clinical Trials, Sydney 1999
- Attended EASD at Glasgow, London 1999
- Workshop on cell Transplantation 2002
- MDRF – ADA post graduate course in diabetology 2002
- Paper presented in lilly diabetes update 2002
- Novonordisk update won a poster presentation 2003
- Faculty in National workshop on diabetes education at madras Diabetes Research Foundation 2003
- Participated novonordisk update 2004
- Global Advanced Therapeutics and Technologies in Diabetes Care Program (MINNIEAPOLIS-USA) 2008
- IDF (International Diabetes Federation) DUBAI. 2010
- Participated in Dr.Mohan’s International Diabetes Update from July 11 to 13, 2014 at Chennai. 2014
- Participated in 6th WORLD CONGRESS of DIABETES INDIA from April 9-12,2015 at Chennai. 2015
Dr.Premalatha Education
- MBBS - Stanley Medical College & Hospital , Chennai
- Fellowship in Diabetology - M.V.Diabetes Specialities Centre Gopalapuram
Dr.Premalatha Experience
Chief PractionerTharak's Diabetes And Diagnostics Centre2002 - 2015
Consultant DiabetologistDr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre Gopalapuram1997 - 2010
Part Time Research OfficerMadras Diabetes Research Foundation Gopalapuram1996 - 2001
Dr.Premalatha Registration
- 48400 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1991
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI)
- Type 1 Diabetes Treatment
- Insulin Treatment
- Diabetes Management
- Diabetes In Children