Dr. Priya Pandey Medical Registration Verified
Speech Therapist
12 years of experience
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About Dr.Priya
Dr. Priya Pandey is one of the most esteemed Speech Therapist in Delhi.He holds an experience of 11 years in medical field. He has been been honored with Advance Audiological Workshop in Ganga Ram - 2010 award, National Conference on “Empowerment of person with hearing impairment” - 2013 award, Certificate of “1st National symposium on possibilities & challenges for the inclusion of children with special needs” - 2014 award, Certificate of “resource person on Methods & techniques of teaching language” - 2015 award and “resource person on development of speech language & communication in early childhood” - 2015 award. He has completed his Diploma in Hearing Language & Speech from Manipal University in 2010, Bachelor Of Education from Osmania University, Hyderabad in 2013 and MSEd (Master of Special Education) from Osmania University in 2014.
Dr.Priya Specializations
- Speech Therapist
Dr.Priya Awards
- Advance Audiological Workshop in Ganga Ram 2010
- National Conference on “Empowerment of person with hearing impairment” 2013
- Certificate of “1st National symposium on possibilities & challenges for the inclusion of children with special needs” 2014
- Certificate of “resource person on Methods & techniques of teaching language” 2015
- “resource person on development of speech language & communication in early childhood” 2015
Dr.Priya Education
- Diploma in Hearing Language & Speech - Manipal University
- Bachelor Of Education - Osmania University, Hyderabad
- MSEd (Master of Special Education) - Osmania University
Dr.Priya Experience
Audiologist & Speech TherapistASHA speech & hearing clinic2011 - 2012
LecturerInstitute of Rehabilitation2012 - 2013
Speech therapistThe learing center, Moolchand hospital2013 - 2015
Speech therapistMasoom special school2016 - 2018
Sr. Speech TherapistBubblesNcolors Foundation2018 - 2018
- Oral Motricity
- Language Presa
- Language Therapy
- Language Stimulation
- Voice Therapy
- Therapy Oral Language