Dr. Priyanka Aggarwal Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Priyanka
Dr. Priyanka Aggarwal is one of the most esteemed doctor in Kolkata.
Dr.Priyanka Specializations
- Dermatologist
- Cosmetologist
Dr.Priyanka Education
- MBBS - Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai
- MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai.
Dr.Priyanka Experience
Dr.Priyanka Registration
- 2009052344 Maharashtra Medical Council 2009
- Lip Augmentation
- Chemical Peel
- Chin Augumentation Mentoplasty
- Laser Resurfacing
- Corn Removal
- Laser Therapy
- Ear Lobe Correction Repair