Dr. P.s Saharia
Ear-Nose-Throat (Ent) Specialist
62 years of experience
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About Dr.P.s
Dr. P.s Saharia is one of the most esteemed doctor in Delhi.
Dr.P.s Specializations
- Ear-Nose-Throat (Ent) Specialist
Dr.P.s Education
- MBBS - Delhi University
- MS - ENT - Delhi University
Dr.P.s Experience
Dr.P.s Registration
- 15117 Delhi Medical Council 2002
- Academy of Oral Implantology (AOI)
- Delhi Medical Council
- Congenital Ear Problem Treatment
- Ear Drum Repair
- Hearing Deficiency Assessment
- Nasal And Sinus Allergy Care
- Nasal Polypectomy
- Otoplasty
- Tonsillectomy
- Tonsillitis Treatment
- Tympanoplasty