Dr. Punit Bhojani Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
22 years of experience
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About Dr.Punit
Dr. Punit Bhojani is one of the most esteemed doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Punit Specializations
- Gynecologist
- Infertility Specialist
- Obstetrician
Dr.Punit Awards
- MOGS Best Youth Council Member Award 2012
- MOGS Dr Belvi Prize 2015
- MOGS Dr Allhabadia Prize 2014
- MOGS Dr Palep Prize 2013
- MOGS Dr C.G Sariya Travel Fellowship 2012
- MOGS Dr Pramila Bhatia Young Scientist Award 2011
- MOGS Dr Kamal Jain Prize 2010
- MOGS Johnson and Johnson Award 2008
- Author of Best Seller Book PG Entrance Exam " Smart Study Series - Obstetrics & Gynecology " Now in 3rd Edition
Dr.Punit Education
- MBBS - K. J. Somaiya Medical College and Research Centre, Sion - Mumbai
- MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology - King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College
- FCPS (Gynaecology) - King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College
- DGO - King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College
- Diploma of the Faculty of Family Planning (DFFP) - King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College
- DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology - King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College
Dr.Punit Experience
GynecologistAnand Clinic2007 - 2015
Dr.Punit Registration
- 20/03/0759 Maharashtra Medical Council 2003
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI)
- Hpv Vaccination
- Pap Smear
- Laparoscopic Surgery