Dr. R. Kumaresan
41 years of experience
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About Dr.R.
Dr. R. Kumaresan is a reputed doctor in Chennai with over 41 years of experience.
Dr.R. Specializations
- Homoeopath
Dr.R. Awards
- President of Indian Homeopathy Medical Association 2015
- Wisdom International Award by Tamilnadu Governer 2001
Dr.R. Education
- BHMS - Government Homoeopathic medical college,Tirumangalam
- MD - Homeopathy - Ahmedabad Homeopathic Medical College
Dr.R. Experience
OwnerSugam Homoeo Speciality Clinic1985 -
Dr.R. Registration
- 279-A Tamil Nadu Homoeopathic Council 1984
- Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association
- Liver Disease Treatment
- Hair Loss Treatment
- Dandruff Treatment
- Weight Loss Diet Counseling
- Kidney Stone Treatment
- Arthritis Management
- Adult Counselling
- Cancer Treatment
- Allergy Treatment
- Skin Disease Treatment
- Gall Bladder Biliary Stone Treatment