Dr. Radha M
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Radha
Dr. Radha M is a highly skilled doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Radha Specializations
- Gastroenterologist
Dr.Radha Awards
- Best Outgoing Student 1999
- District Topper in +2 1994
- School Topper in +2 1994
Dr.Radha Education
- MBBS - PSG Institute of Medical Science & Research
- MD - General Medicine - K.A.P Viswanathan Government Medical College
- DM - Gastroenterology - Madras Medical College, Chennai
Dr.Radha Experience
ConsultantDr. Kamakshi Memorial Hospital2016 -
Resident In Internal MedicinePSG Institute Of Medical Sciences
Dr.Radha Registration
- 65728 Tamilnadu Medical Council 2000
- Tamilnadu Medical Council
- Liver Disease Treatment
- Hepatitis C Treatment
- Acidity Treatment
- Hepatitis A Treatment
- Hepatitis D Treatment
- Ulcerative Colitis Treatment
- Hepatitis B Treatment
- Hepatitis E Treatment
- Gastroscopy
- Abdominal Pain Treatment
- Acute Pancreatitis Treatment
- Gastritis Treatment
- Pancreas Transplantation
- Bladder Cancer Surgery
- Hemorrhoids Treatment