Dr. Raghavendra R
25 years of experience
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About Dr.Raghavendra
Dr. Raghavendra R is a highly skilled doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Raghavendra Specializations
- Anesthesiologist
- Pain Management Specialist
- Palliative Care Physician
Dr.Raghavendra Awards
- Travel scholarship
- Commonwealth scholarship
Dr.Raghavendra Education
- MBBS - Dr B R Ambedkar medical college
- DNB - Anaesthesia - National Board Of Examination
- Fellowship in Interventional Pain Practice(FIPP) - World Institute of Pain (USA)
- IAPC Basic Certificate Course in Essentials of Pallative Care - Indian Assocoation of Pallative Care
- MD - Anaesthesiology - Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Tumkur
- Certificate of Training in Pain Management - Singapore General Hospital
- Master of Science in Palliative Medicine - Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Dr.Raghavendra Experience
Dr.Raghavendra Registration
- 60670 Karnataka Medical Council 2001
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Frozen Shoulder
- Migraine Treatment
- Osteoporosis Treatment
- Palliative Care
- Phantom Limb Pain
- Physiotherapy For Sports Injury Rehabilitation
- Prolotherapy
- Trigeminal Neuralgia