Dr. Rahul Carvalho
Pediatric Dermatologist
38 years of experience
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About Dr.Rahul
Dr. Rahul Carvalho is a highly skilled doctor in Ahmedabad.
Dr.Rahul Specializations
- Pediatric Dermatologist
- Dermatologist
- Venereologist
Dr.Rahul Education
- MBBS - B J Medical College Ahemdabad
- MD - Dermatology - B J Medical College Ahemdabad
Dr.Rahul Experience
Consulting DermatologistSkin Consulation Service1987 - 2018
Dr.Rahul Registration
- G-13975 Gujarat Medical Council 1984
- Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)
- Ahmedabad Medical Association
- Psoriasis Treatment
- Wart Removal
- Corn Removal
- Skin Rash Treatment
- Tinea Versicolor Treatment
- Dermabrasion
- Hair Loss Treatment
- Skin Tag Surgical Removal
- Atopic Dermatitis Treatment
- Leucoderma Treatment
- Eczema Treatment
- Pityriasis Rosea
- Anti Aging Treatment
- Stretch Marks Treatment
- Allergy Treatment
- Wrinkle Treatment
- Melasma Treatment
- Medical Vitiligo Treatment