Dr. Raj K Singh
Pain Management Specialist
21 years of experience
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About Dr.Raj
Dr. Raj K Singh is a highly skilled doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Raj Specializations
- Pain Management Specialist
- Palliative Care Physician
Dr.Raj Awards
- Relevance of Hepatitis C testing in Laboratory Medicine ICMR. Research submitted with dept of microbiology. 1998
- Labor analgesia in obstetrics.Guide and protocol for the obstetricians may,at bhagwati hospital,mumbai. 2003
- LMA in burns management.Grand discussion with dept of anesthesia and dept of burns & plastic surgery.at L.G.Hospital.Ahmedabad 2004
- Critical hours after burns.Initial fluid and temperature management.Presentation at general practitioners meet.Mumbai 2004
- Complications of dengue fever.Presentation at general practitioners meet,Thane 2005
- Sepsis in Burns ward. Presentation to junior doctors association Thane 2006
- Anesthesia and Bariatric Surgery. Challenges and Complications.Lecture at Umrao hospitals,Thane 2007
- Stroke and DVT, Relative significance and management in ICU.Lecture at Bhaktivedant Hospital,Mira Road,Mumbai 2008
- Recent Advances in Burns management,Grand discussion with Department of Surgery,Department of burns and plastic surgery and department of Anesthesia and Critical care medicine, Ashwini Hospital,Thane 2009
- CME attendance of @ 10 per year pertaining to medicine,surgery,gynaecology,and Burns.2003-2013. 2013
Dr.Raj Education
- MBBS - B. J Medical ahemdabad
- MD - Anaesthesiology - Smt NHL Municipal Medical college & Vadilal Sarabhai Hospital, Ahmedabad
- Diploma in Anesthesiology - Smt NHL Municipal Medical college & Vadilal Sarabhai Hospital, Ahmedabad
- Fellowship in 2D Echocardiography - Max Hospital, Delhi
Dr.Raj Experience
Consultant Physician Anesthesia and ICUAshwini Hospital and ICU2003 - 2010
Chief Anesthesia and ICUSai Ganga Hospital2010 - 2015
Dr.Raj Registration
- 2003020578 Maharashtra Medical Council 2003
- Bhayandar Medical Association
- Indian Society of Critical care medicine [ISCCM]