Dr. Rajesh Singh Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
24 years of experience
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About Dr.Rajesh
Dr. Rajesh Singh is a highly skilled doctor in Greater-Noida.
Dr.Rajesh Specializations
- Dietitian/Nutritionist
- Yoga And Naturopathy
- Acupuncturist
Dr.Rajesh Awards
- Doordarshan National Channel's (DD 1) Panel Expert on Naturopathy. Regularly Appear in DD National's Good Evening India Program.
- Member Executive Organizing Committee, International Congress on Naturopathy Medicine, Paris 2013
- Presented on 'Professional Opportunities in Natural Medicine Globally', at a CME organized by National Institute of Naturopathy (Govt of India), Feb. 2013
- Co- Chair- 'Symposium on Global Naturopathic Medical Education' at International Naturopathy Conference, Bangalore, February 2012
- Participated in 'HealthCare Leadership Summit- India', New Delhi in Dec. 2009
- Presented a Paper at International Naturopathy Conference, Bangalore, India on 'Medical Balneology'. Nov. 2003
- Appeared as a Guest Speaker on a Workshop ‘Naturopathy & Yoga in Developing Health Tourism’ Organized by Dept. of Tourism, Govt. of U.P. at Lucknow, India. June 2003
Dr.Rajesh Education
- BNYS - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India
Dr.Rajesh Experience
Corporate Wellness ConsultantAtha Wellness Pvt. Ltd2009 - 2014
Dr.Rajesh Registration
- 172 Karnataka Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioner's Board 2004
- Indian Naturopathy and Yoga Graduates' Medical Association (INYGMA)
- Asia Pacific Wellness Coalition (APSWC)
- Weight Loss Diet Counseling
- Yoga Therapy
- Diet Therapy
- Back Pain Physiotherapy
- Infertility Evaluation Treatment