Dr. Rajkumar Kulasekaran
19 years of experience
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About Dr.Rajkumar
Dr. Rajkumar Kulasekaran is a highly skilled doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Rajkumar Specializations
- Pulmonologist
- Pediatric Sleep Medicine Specialist
Dr.Rajkumar Education
- MBBS - Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai
- DNB - Respiratory Diseases - Apollo Hospitals
Dr.Rajkumar Experience
Consultant Interventional PulmonologistApollo Specialty Hospitals2014 - 2016
Consultant Interventional PulmonologistFortis Malar2011 - 2016
PulmonologistApollo2006 - 2016
Dr.Rajkumar Registration
- 77927 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 2006
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Indian Chest Society
- Fellow Member of European Respiratory Society
- Fellow member of American College of Chest Physician
- Tamilnadu Medical Council
- Eosinophilia Treatment
- Pleural Effusion Treatment
- Pleurisy
- Decortication
- Pneumonectomy
- Pneumonia Treatment
- Lung Infections Treatment
- Thoracoscopy
- Chest Disease Treatment
- Tracheostomy
- Interstitial Lung Disease Treatment
- Balance Exercises
- Lobectomy
- Bronchial Asthma Treatment
- Bronchitis Treatment
- Bronchoscopy
- Bullectomy
- Sleep Disorder Treatment
- Sleep Study
- Cough Treatment
- Lung Cancer Treatment
- Lung Transplant
- Lung Surgery
- Allergy Treatment
- Critical Care
- Respiratory Conditions
- Mediastinoscopy
- Respiratory Tract Infection