Dr. Rajshekhar Brambhat Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
41 years of experience
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About Dr.Rajshekhar
Dr. Rajshekhar Brambhat is one of the most esteemed doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Rajshekhar Specializations
- Sexologist
- General Physician
Dr.Rajshekhar Awards
- Two Trophies – at 7th World congress for Sexology 1985
- “Invitation Paper” – IMA “Aids to AIDS” 1986
- Awarded Trophy by CSEPI for 25 years of service as a trustee 2009
- ‘Golden Lamp Award’ at Khajuraho on 27th Annual Conference of Council of Sex Education and Parenthood International (CSEPI) 2011
- “Dr. L.U. Kirpalani Lifetime Achievement Award” - GPA, Mumbai 2013
- “Sexual Health Pioneer Award”- CSEPI India 2014
- “Life time achievement Award”- Andheri Medical Association 2014
- J J Merchant Oration Award ‘Sexuality the changing perspective’ – IMA Mumbai branch 1986
- Dr.M N Vaidya Memorial Vakhyan on ‘Sex Problems misconceptions and treatment 1996
- ANCIPS 2004 Mysore Guest Lecturer 2004
- Late Dr. K P Mangalwedhe oration award at IMA Hubli for ‘sexual medicine’ 2007
- “Dr M. K. Panandikar Oration award for ‘Sexuality yesterday, today, tomorrow’ 2009
Dr.Rajshekhar Education
- MBBS - Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital
Dr.Rajshekhar Experience
35 years of Experience as ConsultantBCJ (Asha Parekh Hospital)
Dr.Rajshekhar Registration
- 28503 Maharashtra Medical Council 1972
- Family Planning Association of India (FPAI)
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Andheri Medical Association
- Female Sexual Problems