Dr. Raju
23 years of experience
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About Dr.Raju
Dr. Raju is a highly skilled doctor in Hyderabad.
Dr.Raju Specializations
- Dentist
- Prosthodontist
- Implantologist
Dr.Raju Education
- MDS - Prosthodontics - Sree Sai Dental College Research Institute
- BDS - Government Dental College and hospital Vijayawada
Dr.Raju Experience
DirectorFamily Super Specialty Dental Hospital2002 - 2012
DirectorDr.Raju's Dental Care MDS2012 - 2014
Asst.ProfessorHSRSM Dental college2009 - 2013
Assoc.professorGGS Dental College2013 - 2014
Dr.Raju Registration
- A13377 Andhra Pradesh State Dental Council 2013
- Indian Prosthodontic Society
- Endo Surgery Or Apicoectomy
- Smile Design
- Teeth Whitening
- Orthodontic Treatment
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Wisdom Tooth Extraction
- Flap Surgery
- Teeth Jewellery
- Rct Root Canal Treatment
- Complete Partial Dentures Fixing
- Dental Checkup General