Dr. Raju H
17 years of experience
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About Dr.Raju
Dr. Raju H is a highly skilled doctor in Hyderabad.
Dr.Raju Specializations
- Pulmonologist
- Allergist/Immunologist
Dr.Raju Education
- MBBS - Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (SVIMS), Tirupati
- MD - Pulmonary Medicine - Mamata Medical College, Khammam
Dr.Raju Experience
Asst.Prof.Maheshwara Medical College2015 -
ConsultantApollo Clinic, Madinaguda2016 -
Asst. Prof.Mamatha Medical College2012 - 2015
ConsultantHealix Hopsital, Madinaguda2016 -
ConsultantTesla Diagnostics, Chandangar2016 -
ConsultantTesla Diagnostics, Patancheru2016 -
ConsultantOmni Hospital,Kukatpally2016 - 2016
Dr.Raju Registration
- 56145 Andhra Pradesh Medical Council 2007
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Eosinophilia Treatment
- Pleural Effusion Treatment
- Balance Exercises
- Pleurisy
- Interstitial Lung Disease Treatment
- Lung Cancer Treatment
- Pneumonia Treatment
- Bronchitis Treatment
- Bronchoscopy
- Sleep Disorder Treatment
- Lung Infections Treatment