Dr. Rakhi Anand
30 years of experience
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About Dr.Rakhi
Dr. Rakhi Anand is a highly skilled doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Rakhi Specializations
- Psychologist
Dr.Rakhi Education
- PhD - Psychology - University of Delhi
- Diploma in Clinical and community psychology - Gujarat University, India
- MA - Clinical Psychology - Gujarat University, India
- BA - Psychology - LD Arts College,Gujarat University, Ahemdabad
Dr.Rakhi Experience
Consultant Clinical PsychologistIndraprastha Apollo Hospital. New Delhi2006 - 2016
Senior Consultant Clinical PsychologistVIMHANS Hospital1995 - 2008
Consultant PsychologistMata Chanan Devi Hospital, Janakpuri2001 - 2005
Dr.Rakhi Registration
- CRR-A02676 Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) 2004
- Delhi Psychiatric Society
- Indian Association for Clinical Psychologists
- Anger Management
- Anxiety Disorder Counselling
- Child And Adolescent Problems
- Depression Counselling
- Family Counseling
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Neuropsychological Diagnosis
- Personality Assessment
- Personality Disorder Treatment
- Psychotherapy Adult
- Psychotherapy For Couples
- Stress Management
- Stress Management Counselling