Dr. Rakhi Maiwall
22 years of experience
5 (2)
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Patient reviews for Dr. Rakhi Maiwall
Verified User
Liver Disease Treatment
I am immensely grateful to Dr. Rakhi for her exceptional care and expertise in treating my liver disease. Her dedication, knowledge, and compassionate approach not only provided me with the best possible treatment but also gave me a new lease on life. She guided me through every step of the recovery process with patience and professionalism. Thanks to her, I am now healthy and strong again. I highly recommend Dr. Rakhi to anyone seeking the best medical care.
Verified User
I am immensely grateful to Dr. Rakhi for her exceptional care and expertise in treating my liver disease. Her dedication, knowledge, and compassionate approach not only provided me with the best possible treatment but also gave me a new lease on life. She guided me through every step of the recovery process with patience and professionalism. Thanks to her, I am now healthy and strong again. I highly recommend Dr. Rakhi to anyone seeking the best medical care.
About Dr.Rakhi
Dr.Rakhi Specializations
- Gastroenterologist
Dr.Rakhi Awards
- Passed MBBS with three gold medals 2003
- Gold medal in Biochemistry subject in MBBS Ist Professional exam 2003
- Gold medal for securing highest aggregate marks in MBBS IInd Professional exam 2003
- Won Deeptanshu Vedant Gupta award in UPICON, 2006 Quiz competition 2006
- Gold medal in MD Medicine 2007
- Won 2nd prize in Poster/Paper titled celiac disease is associated with NCIPH/Cryptogenic CLD in our population at INASL session of ISGCON 2010
- Received award for best plenary paper ISGCON 2012,Jaipur 2012
- Received award for best presidential poster ISGCON 2012
- Oral paper presentation in AASLD , Washigton 2013
- Oral paper presentation in EASL 2014 London 2014
- Completed 9th Advanced Certificate Course in “Applied Enteral Pharmaconutrition In Critical Care” at Chennai 2014
- First prize in plenary session of ISGCON 2014
- Did 6 weeks (from 13 th April -25 th May 2014) training in Inflammatory and Stress Responses in Chronic Liver Disease located at the Center of Research on Inflammation (CRI, Paris, France) with Dr Richard Moreau Director of Research (DRCE) Inserm (Frenc 2014
- Written article on Global burden of liver disease Part I and II in World Gastroenterology News Official E-Newsletter Of The World Gastroenterology Organisation. Vol. 17, Issue 2 July and Vol. 17, Issue 3 October 2012 and S. K. Sarin, R.maiwall 2012
- Leading the department of telemedicine at ILBS
- Active participation in APAN (Asia Pacific Advanced Network) with connectivity with 12 countries across the world via telemedicine. 2014
- Organized and moderated Live workshops on demonstration of HVPG and TJLB technique, interactive case discussions and presentation of challenging endoscopic cases in Asia Pacific Advanced Network which is a telemedicine based program wherein ILBS is connec 2014
Dr.Rakhi Education
- DM - Hepatology - Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore
- MBBS - L.P.S Institute of Cardiology, G.S.V.M Medical College, Kanpur
- MD - Medicine - King Georges Medical College, Lucknow University
Dr.Rakhi Experience
Senior Resident (Gastroeneterology)G B Pant Hospital2007 - 2007
Observer in the Department of Pediatric GastroenterologySGPGIMS2007 - 2011
Assistant Professor of HepatologyInstitute of Liver and Biliary Sciences2011 - 2019
Dr.Rakhi Registration
- 34233 Delhi Medical Council 2007
- Asia Pacific Association of the Study of Liver Diseases (APASL)
- American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
- Ercp
- Gastroscopy
- Hepatitis A Treatment
- Hepatitis B Treatment
- Hepatitis C Treatment
- Hepatitis D Treatment
- Hepatitis E Treatment
- Jaundice Treatment
- Liver Disease Treatment