Dr. Rashmi Choudhary Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
30 years of experience
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About Dr.Rashmi
Dr. Rashmi Choudhary is a renowned doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Rashmi Specializations
- Gynecologist
- Obstetrician
Dr.Rashmi Awards
- Paper presentation- Active participation in TMH clinical society conference, Jamshedpur obstetrical society conference (annual &biannual)
- Paper presentation on Controversies in Hormones Replacement Therapy (Sept’2006 TMH biannual conference)
- Received Champion Level ASPIRE Recognitions2005- 2006 for self-initiated project at TMH, Jamshedpur for “Reducing Complications during 3rd stage of labor”.
- Emergency Hysterectomy in obstetrics (retrospective analysis, Aug 2006, JOGs biannual conference)
- Case Presentation- Volvulus in pregnancy (2003 March, Jogs Annual conference
- Medico social work –Participated in cancer awareness program
- Free medical health checkup for women organized by All India Women Committee
- Training to DNB Students in TMH
Dr.Rashmi Education
- MBBS - Rajendra Medical College Gandhi
- DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology - Rajendra Medical college Gondhi
- FICMCH - Indian College of Maternal and Child Health, Kolkata
- MNAMS (Membership of the National Academy) - National Academy of Medical Science
Dr.Rashmi Experience
Consultant Obstetrician and GynaecologistApollo Cradle, Koramangala
Consultant Obstetrician and GynaecologistApollo Hospital, Bannerghatta
Consultant Obstetrician and GynaecologistApollo Clinics, Bellandur
Consultant Obstetrician and GynaecologistSpringLeaf Hospital
Consultant Obstetrician and GynaecologistSpringLeaf Hospita
Consultant Obstetrician and GynaecologistTata Main Hospital
Consultant Obstetrician and GynaecologistTata Motors Hospital
Dr.Rashmi Registration
- 82428 Karnataka Medical Council 2008