Dr. Rekha Jhamnani
Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
26 years of experience
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About Dr.Rekha
Dr. Rekha Jhamnani is one of the most esteemed doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Rekha Specializations
- Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
Dr.Rekha Education
- MBBS - Nagpur University.
- DOMS - Nagpur University.
Dr.Rekha Experience
ConsultantRushabh Eye hospital2000 - 2016
Dr.Rekha Registration
- 87325 Maharashtra Medical Council 1998
- Maharastra Medical Council
- Mini Scleral Contact Lens
- Lens For Keratoconus
- Scleral Contact Lens
- Glaucoma
- Eye Patch Therapy
- Glaucoma Valve Implantation
- Computed Corneal Topography
- Pediatric Glaucoma Management